
Sep 18, 2015

WAKA Fall Charity - The Aliveness Project!

Hey Kickballers!

Welcome back to another season full of fun, friends, beer pong, and of course, freezing sideways rain. Thank you Minnesota fall! This season, we are going to sponsor a neighborhood organization- the Aliveness Project.

What is this place you might ask? Located at 38th and Nicollet, it is a community center for HIV+/AIDS people to go and find support, hope, and encouragement. The Aliveness Project runs solely off donations and provides access to over 1500 members and their families throughout the Twin Cities. They have a food pantry as well as serve two hot meals six days a week to provide healthy nutrition, integrative therapies (massages, acupuncture) to alleviate some side effects of the disease, and case management to assist members in getting the proper treatment plan.

Since shortly after moving here a year ago, I have been an active volunteer a couple times a month and have seen the comradery the Aliveness Project provides. HIV/AIDS treatment has made giant leaps in treatment and management since most of us first learned about it in the early ‘90s. Unfortunately, most of the general population is unaware of this and still has a stigma surrounding those living with this disease. I’ve enjoyed interacting with the members at the Aliveness Project where they can talk openly with others about their disease and find comfort in knowing they are not alone.  I would be happy to further discuss the advances made for anyone interested- especially over a drink!

So this season, let’s extend all of our support to the Aliveness Project and let the members know we stand behind them. Watch the blog/emails for further updates on our fundraisers.

-Kim Shipley & Melissa Haun

Your Kickball Charity co-chairs

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